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Cultural Affairs

Get to Know Us

Spring Sensations

Fall Quilt Raffle

Chairman: Cynthia Kenyon

Vice Chairman: Mary Lyman

Secretary: Susan Capps

Treasurer: Karen Burkholder


The Cultural Affairs Department meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, September through April, excluding December. 

In the spring, the Cultural Affairs department puts on Spring Sensations. Several members design table settings for eight. Spring Sensations includes a special luncheon and a program. Previous programs have included a vintage- style show, a Victorian lingerie show, and an apron program.

In September, we begin our annual quilt raffle. Tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The drawing is held in November, with lots of prizes besides the quilt. Winners need not be present to win.

304 Clay St.Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Tel 319-266-1431

Established in 2013 by the Cedar Falls Woman's Club

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